Table of Contents

The printf command

FIXME Stranger, this is a very big topic that needs experience - please fill in missing information, extend the descriptions, and correct the details if you can!

Attention: This is about the Bash-builtin command printf - however, the description should be nearly identical for an external command that follows POSIX®.

GNU Awk expects a comma after the format string and between each of the arguments of a printf command. For examples, see: code snippet.

Unlike other documentations, I don't want to redirect you to the manual page for the printf() C function family. However, if you're more experienced, that should be the most detailed description for the format strings and modifiers.

Due to conflicting historical implementations of the echo command, POSIX® recommends that printf is preferred over echo.


The printf command provides a method to print preformatted text similar to the printf() system interface (C function). It's meant as successor for echo and has far more features and possibilities.

Beside other reasons, POSIX® has a very good argument to recommend it: Both historical main flavours of the echo command are mutual exclusive, they collide. A "new" command had to be invented to solve the issue.


printf <FORMAT> <ARGUMENTS...>

The text format is given in <FORMAT>, while all arguments the formatstring may point to are given after that, here, indicated by <ARGUMENTS…>.

Thus, a typical printf-call looks like:

printf "Surname: %s\nName: %s\n" "$SURNAME" "$FIRSTNAME"
where "Surname: %s\nName: %s\n" is the format specification, and the two variables are passed as arguments, the %s in the formatstring points to (for every format specifier you give, printf awaits one argument!).


-v VARIf given, the output is assigned to the variable VAR instead of printed to stdout (comparable to sprintf() in some way)

The -v Option can't assign directly to array indexes in Bash versions older than Bash 4.1.

In versions newer than 4.1, one must be careful when performing expansions into the first non-option argument of printf as this opens up the possibility of an easy code injection vulnerability.
$ var='-vx[$(echo hi >&2)]'; printf "$var" hi; declare -p x
declare -a x='([0]="hi")'
…where the echo can of course be replaced with any arbitrary command. If you must, either specify a hard-coded format string or use -- to signal the end of options. The exact same issue also applies to read, and a similar one to mapfile, though performing expansions into their arguments is less common.


Of course in shell-meaning the arguments are just strings, however, the common C-notations plus some additions for number-constants are recognized to give a number-argument to printf:

NA normal decimal number
0NAn octal number
0xNA hexadecimal number
0XNA hexadecimal number
"X(a literal double-quote infront of a character): interpreted as number (underlying codeset) don't forget escaping
'X(a literal single-quote infront of a character): interpreted as number (underlying codeset) don't forget escaping

If more arguments than format specifiers are present, then the format string is re-used until the last argument is interpreted. If fewer format specifiers than arguments are present, then number-formats are set to zero, while string-formats are set to null (empty).

Take care to avoid word splitting, as accidentally passing the wrong number of arguments can produce wildly different and unexpected results. See this article.

Again, attention: When a numerical format expects a number, the internal printf-command will use the common Bash arithmetic rules regarding the base. A command like the following example will throw an error, since 08 is not a valid octal number (00 to 07!):
printf '%d\n' 08

Format strings

The format string interpretion is derived from the C printf() function family. Only format specifiers that end in one of the letters diouxXfeEgGaAcs are recognized.

To print a literal % (percent-sign), use %% in the format string.

Again: Every format specifier expects an associated argument provided!

These specifiers have different names, depending who you ask. But they all mean the same: A placeholder for data with a specified format:

%bPrint the associated argument while interpreting backslash escapes in there
%qPrint the associated argument shell-quoted, reusable as input
%dPrint the associated argument as signed decimal number
%iSame as %d
%oPrint the associated argument as unsigned octal number
%uPrint the associated argument as unsigned decimal number
%xPrint the associated argument as unsigned hexadecimal number with lower-case hex-digits (a-f)
%XSame as %x, but with upper-case hex-digits (A-F)
%fInterpret and print the associated argument as floating point number
%eInterpret the associated argument as double, and print it in <N>±e<N> format
%ESame as %e, but with an upper-case E in the printed format
%gInterprets the associated argument as double, but prints it like %f or %e
%GSame as %g, but print it like %E
%cInterprets the associated argument as char: only the first character of a given argument is printed
%sInterprets the associated argument literally as string
%nAssigns the number of characters printed so far to the variable named in the corresponding argument. Can't specify an array index. If the given name is already an array, the value is assigned to the zeroth element.
%aInterprets the associated argument as double, and prints it in the form of a C99 hexadecimal floating-point literal.
%ASame as %a, but print it like %E
%(FORMAT)Toutput the date-time string resulting from using FORMAT as a format string for strftime(3). The associated argument is the number of seconds since Epoch, or -1 (current time) or -2 (shell startup time). If no corresponding argument is supplies, the current time is used as default
%%No conversion is done. Produces a % (percent sign)

Some of the mentioned format specifiers can modify their behaviour by getting a format modifier:


To be more flexible in the output of numbers and strings, the printf command allows format modifiers. These are specified between the introductory % and the character that specifies the format:

printf "%50s\n" "This field is 50 characters wide..."

Field and printing modifiers

Field output format
<N>Any number: Specifies a minimum field width, if the text to print is shorter, it's padded with spaces, if the text is longer, the field is expanded
.The dot: Together with a field width, the field is not expanded when the text is longer, the text is truncated instead. "%.s" is an undocumented equivalent for "%.0s", which will force a field width of zero, effectively hiding the field from output
*The asterisk: the width is given as argument before the string or number. Usage (the "*" corresponds to the "20"): printf "%*s\n" 20 "test string"
#"Alternative format" for numbers: see table below
-Left-bound text printing in the field (standard is right-bound)
0Pads numbers with zeros, not spaces
<space>Pad a positive number with a space, where a minus (-) is for negative numbers
+Prints all numbers signed (+ for positive, - for negative)
'For decimal conversions, the thousands grouping separator is applied to the integer portion of the output according to the current LC_NUMERIC

The "alternative format" modifier #:

Alternative Format
%#oThe octal number is printed with a leading zero, unless it's zero itself
%#x, %#XThe hex number is printed with a leading "0x"/"0X", unless it's zero
%#g, %#GThe float number is printed with trailing zeros until the number of digits for the current precision is reached (usually trailing zeros are not printed)
all number formats except %d, %o, %x, %XAlways print a decimal point in the output, even if no digits follow it


The precision for a floating- or double-number can be specified by using .<DIGITS>, where <DIGITS> is the number of digits for precision. If <DIGITS> is an asterisk (*), the precision is read from the argument that precedes the number to print, like (prints 4,3000000000):

printf "%.*f\n" 10 4,3
The format .*N to specify the N'th argument for precision does not work in Bash.

For strings, the precision specifies the maximum number of characters to print (i.e., the maximum field width). For integers, it specifies the number of digits to print (zero-padding!).

Escape codes

These are interpreted if used anywhere in the format string, or in an argument corresponding to a %b format.

\\Prints the character \ (backslash)
\aPrints the alert character (ASCII code 7 decimal)
\bPrints a backspace
\fPrints a form-feed
\nPrints a newline
\rPrints a carriage-return
\tPrints a horizontal tabulator
\vPrints a vertical tabulator
\"Prints a '
\?Prints a ?
\<NNN>Interprets <NNN> as octal number and prints the corresponding character from the character set
\0<NNN>same as \<NNN>
\x<NNN>Interprets <NNN> as hexadecimal number and prints the corresponding character from the character set (3 digits)
\u<NNNN>same as \x<NNN>, but 4 digits
\U<NNNNNNNN>same as \x<NNN>, but 8 digits

The following additional escape and extra rules apply only to arguments associated with a %b format:

\cTerminate output similarly to the \c escape used by echo -e. printf produces no additional output after coming across a \c escape in a %b argument.

These are also respects in which %b differs from the escapes used by $'...' style quoting.



Small code table

This small loop prints all numbers from 0 to 127 in

for ((x=0; x <= 127; x++)); do
  printf '%3d | %04o | 0x%02x\n' "$x" "$x" "$x"

Ensure well-formatted MAC address

This code here will take a common MAC address and rewrite it into a well-known format (regarding leading zeros or upper/lowercase of the hex digits, …):


# lowercase hex digits
the_mac="$(printf "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" 0x${the_mac//:/ 0x})"

# or the uppercase-digits variant
the_mac="$(printf "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X" 0x${the_mac//:/ 0x})"

Replacement echo

This code was found in Solaris manpage for echo(1).

Solaris version of /usr/bin/echo is equivalent to:

printf "%b\n" "$*"

Solaris /usr/ucb/echo is equivalent to:

if [ "X$1" = "X-n" ]
     printf "%s" "$*"
     printf "%s\n" "$*"

prargs Implementation

Working off the replacement echo, here is a terse implementation of prargs:

printf '"%b"\n' "$0" "$@" | nl -v0 -s": "

repeating a character (for example to print a line)

A small trick: Combining printf and parameter expansion to draw a line

printf -v line '%*s' "$length"
echo ${line// /-}
eval printf -v line '%.0s-' {1..$length}

Replacement for some calls to date(1)

The %(…)T format string is a direct interface to strftime(3).

$ printf 'This is week %(%U/%Y)T.\n' -1
This is week 52/2010.

Please read the manpage of strftime(3) to get more information about the supported formats.

differences from awk printf

Awk also derives its printf() function from C, and therefore has similar format specifiers. However, in all versions of awk the space character is used as a string concatenation operator, so it cannot be used as an argument separator. Arguments to awk printf must be separated by commas. Some versions of awk do not require printf arguments to be surrounded by parentheses, but you should use them anyway to provide portability.

In the following example, the two strings are concatenated by the intervening space so that no argument remains to fill the format.

$ echo "Foo" | awk '{ printf "%s\n" $1 }'
awk: (FILENAME=- FNR=1) fatal: not enough arguments to satisfy format string
	 ^ ran out for this one

Simply replacing the space with a comma and adding parentheses yields correct awk syntax.

$ echo "Foo" | awk '{ printf( "%s\n", $1 ) }'

With appropriate metacharacter escaping the bash printf can be called from inside awk (as from perl and other languages that support shell callout) as long as you don't care about program efficiency or readability.

echo "Foo" | awk '{ system( "printf \"%s\\n \" \"" $1 "\""  ) }'

Differences from C, and portability considerations


#define LENMODS "hjlLtz"
/* skip possible format modifiers */
modstart = fmt;
while (*fmt && strchr (LENMODS, *fmt))

# Illustrates Bash-like behavior. Redefining printf is usually unnecessary / not recommended.
function printf {
    case $1 in
            nameref x=$1
            x=$(command printf "$@")
            command printf "$@"
builtin cut
print $$
printf -v 'foo[2]' '%d\n' "$(cut -d ' ' -f 1 /proc/self/stat)"
typeset -p foo
# 22461
# typeset -a foo=([2]=22461)

See also