This command allows you to do various tests and sets its exit code to 0 (TRUE) or 1 (FALSE) whenever such a test succeeds or not. Using this exit code, it's possible to let Bash react on the result of such a test, here by using the command in an if-statement:
#!/bin/bash # test if /etc/passwd exists if test -e /etc/passwd; then echo "Alright man..." >&2 else echo "Yuck! Where is it??" >&2 exit 1 fi
The syntax of the test command is relatively easy. Usually it's the command name "test
" followed by a test type (here "-e
" for "file exists") followed by test-type-specific values (here the filename to check, "/etc/passwd
There's a second standardized command that does exactly the same: the command "[
" - the difference just is that it's called "[
" and the last argument to the command must be a "]
": It forms "[ <EXPRESSION> ]
Let's rewrite the above example to use it:
#!/bin/bash # test if /etc/passwd exists if [ -e /etc/passwd ]; then echo "Alright man..." >&2 else echo "Yuck! Where is it??" >&2 exit 1 fiOne might think now that these "[" and "]" belong to the syntax of Bash's if-clause: No they don't! It's a simple, ordinary command, still!
Another thing you have to remember is that if the test command wants one parameter for a test, you have to give it one parameter. Let's check for some of your music files:
#!/bin/bash mymusic="/data/music/Van Halen/Van Halen - Right Now.mp3" if [ -e "$mymusic" ]; then echo "Let's rock" >&2 else echo "No music today, sorry..." >&2 exit 1 fiAs you definitely noted, the filename contains spaces. Since we call a normal ordinary command ("test" or "[") the shell will word-split the expansion of the variable
: You need to quote it when you don't want the test
-command to complain about too many arguments for this test-type! If you didn't understand it, please read the article about words...
Please also note that the file-tests want one filename to test. Don't give a glob (filename-wildcards) as it can expand to many filenames ⇒ too many arguments!
Another common mistake is to provide too few arguments:
[ "$mystring"!="test" ]This provides exactly one test-argument to the command. With one parameter, it defaults to the
test: It tests if a provided string is empty (FALSE
) or not (TRUE
) - due to the lack of spaces to separate the arguments the shown command always ends TRUE
Well, I addressed several basic rules, now let's see what the test-command can do for you. The Bash test-types can be split into several sections: file tests, string tests, arithmetic tests, misc tests.
Below, the tests marked with are non-standard tests (i.e. not in SUS/POSIX/etc..).
This section probably holds the most tests, I'll list them in some logical order. Since Bash 4.1, all tests related to permissions respect ACLs, if the underlying filesystem/OS supports them.
Operator syntax | Description | |
-a <FILE> | True if <FILE> exists. ![]() -a for AND , see below) | |
-e <FILE> | True if <FILE> exists. | |
-f <FILE> | True, if <FILE> exists and is a regular file. | |
-d <FILE> | True, if <FILE> exists and is a directory. | |
-c <FILE> | True, if <FILE> exists and is a character special file. | |
-b <FILE> | True, if <FILE> exists and is a block special file. | |
-p <FILE> | True, if <FILE> exists and is a named pipe (FIFO). | |
-S <FILE> | True, if <FILE> exists and is a socket file. | |
-L <FILE> | True, if <FILE> exists and is a symbolic link. | |
-h <FILE> | True, if <FILE> exists and is a symbolic link. | |
-g <FILE> | True, if <FILE> exists and has sgid bit set. | |
-u <FILE> | True, if <FILE> exists and has suid bit set. | |
-r <FILE> | True, if <FILE> exists and is readable. | |
-w <FILE> | True, if <FILE> exists and is writable. | |
-x <FILE> | True, if <FILE> exists and is executable. | |
-s <FILE> | True, if <FILE> exists and has size bigger than 0 (not empty). | |
-t <fd> | True, if file descriptor <fd> is open and refers to a terminal. | |
<FILE1> -nt <FILE2> | True, if <FILE1> is newer than <FILE2> (mtime). ![]() | |
<FILE1> -ot <FILE2> | True, if <FILE1> is older than <FILE2> (mtime). ![]() | |
<FILE1> -ef <FILE2> | True, if <FILE1> and <FILE2> refer to the same device and inode numbers. ![]() |
Operator syntax | Description |
-z <STRING> | True, if <STRING> is empty. |
-n <STRING> | True, if <STRING> is not empty (this is the default operation). |
<STRING1> = <STRING2> | True, if the strings are equal. |
<STRING1> != <STRING2> | True, if the strings are not equal. |
<STRING1> < <STRING2> | True if <STRING1> sorts before <STRING2> lexicographically (pure ASCII, not current locale!). Remember to escape! Use \< |
<STRING1> > <STRING2> | True if <STRING1> sorts after <STRING2> lexicographically (pure ASCII, not current locale!). Remember to escape! Use \> |
Operator syntax | Description |
<INTEGER1> -eq <INTEGER2> | True, if the integers are equal. |
<INTEGER1> -ne <INTEGER2> | True, if the integers are NOT equal. |
<INTEGER1> -le <INTEGER2> | True, if the first integer is less than or equal second one. |
<INTEGER1> -ge <INTEGER2> | True, if the first integer is greater than or equal second one. |
<INTEGER1> -lt <INTEGER2> | True, if the first integer is less than second one. |
<INTEGER1> -gt <INTEGER2> | True, if the first integer is greater than second one. |
Operator syntax | Description |
<TEST1> -a <TEST2> | True, if <TEST1> and <TEST2> are true (AND). Note that -a also may be used as a file test (see above) |
<TEST1> -o <TEST2> | True, if either <TEST1> or <TEST2> is true (OR). |
! <TEST> | True, if <TEST> is false (NOT). |
( <TEST> ) | Group a test (for precedence). Attention: In normal shell-usage, the "(" and ")" must be escaped; use "\(" and "\)"! |
-o <OPTION_NAME> | True, if the shell option <OPTION_NAME> is set. |
-v <VARIABLENAME> | True if the variable <VARIABLENAME> has been set. Use var[n] for array elements. |
-R <VARIABLENAME> | True if the variable <VARIABLENAME> has been set and is a nameref variable (since 4.3-alpha) |
The test
builtin, especially hidden under its [
name, may seem simple but is in fact causing a lot of trouble sometimes.
One of the difficulty is that the behaviour of test
not only depends on its arguments but also on the number of its arguments.
Here are the rules taken from the manual (Note: This is for the command test
, for [
the number of arguments is calculated without the final ]
, for example [ ]
follows the "zero arguments" rule):
(exclamation mark), the expression is true if, and only if, the second argument is null!
, the value is the negation of the two-argument test using the second and third arguments(
and the third argument is exactly )
, the result is the one-argument test of the second argument. Otherwise, the expression is false. The -a
and -o
operators are considered binary operators in this case (Attention: This means the operator -a
is not a file operator in this case!)!
, the result is the negation of the three-argument expression composed of the remaining arguments. Otherwise, the expression is parsed and evaluated according to precedence using the rules listed aboveThese rules may seem complex, but it's not so bad in practice. Knowing them might help you to explain some of the "unexplicable" behaviours you might encounter:
var="" if [ -n $var ]; then echo "var is not empty"; fi
This code prints "var is not empty", even though -n something
is supposed to be true if $var
is not empty - why?
Here, as $var
is not quoted, word splitting occurs and $var
results in actually nothing (Bash removes it from the command's argument list!). So the test is in fact [ -n ]
and falls into the "one argument" rule, the only argument is "-n" which is not null and so the test returns true. The solution, as usual, is to quote the parameter expansion: [ -n "$var" ]
so that the test has always 2 arguments, even if the second one is the null string.
These rules also explain why, for instance, -a and -o can have several meanings.
The way often recommended to logically connect several tests with AND and OR is to use several single test commands and to combine them with the shell &&
and ||
list control operators.
See this:
if [ -n "$var"] && [ -e "$var"]; then echo "\$var is not null and a file named $var exists!" fi
The return status of AND and OR lists is the exit status of the last command executed in the list
command1 && command2
, command2
is executed if, and only if, command1
returns an exit status of zero (true)command1 ││ command2
, command2
is executed if, and only if, command1
returns a non-zero exit status (false)
The logical operators AND and OR for the test-command itself are -a
and -o
, thus:
if [ -n "$var" -a -e "$var" ] ; then echo "\$var is not null and a file named $var exists" fi
They are not &&
or ||
$ if [ -n "/tmp" && -d "/tmp"]; then echo true; fi # DOES NOT WORK bash: [: missing `]'
You might find the error message confusing, [
does not find the required final ]
, because as seen above &&
is used to write a list of commands. The if
statement actually sees two commands:
[ -n "/tmp"
-d "/tmp" ]
…which must fail.
POSIX®/SUSv3 does not specify the behaviour of test
in cases where there are more than 4 arguments. If you write a script that might not be executed by Bash, the behaviour might be different! 1)
Let's say, we want to check the following two things (AND):
Let's see:
if [ -z "false" -a -z "$(echo I am executed >&2)" ] ; then ...⇒ The arguments are all expanded before
runs, thus the echo-command is executed.
if [ -z "false" ] && [ -z "$(echo I am not executed >&2)" ]; then...
⇒ Due to the nature of the &&
list operator, the second test-command runs only if the first test-command returns true, our echo-command is not executed.
Note: In my opinion, -a
and -o
are also less readable [pgas]
Take care if you convert your scripts from using -a
and -o
to use the list way (&&
and ||
has precedence over -o
and ||
have equal precedenceThat means, you can get different results, depending on the manner of use:
$ if [ "true" ] || [ -e /does/not/exist ] && [ -e /does/not/exist ]; then echo true; else echo false; fi false $ if [ "true" -o -e /does/not/exist -a -e /does/not/exist ]; then echo true; else echo false;fi trueAs a result you have to think about it a little or add precedence control (parenthesis).
For &&
and ||
parenthesis means (shell-ly) grouping the commands, and since ( … )
introduces a subshell we will use { … }
$ if [ "true" ] || { [ -e /does/not/exist ] && [ -e /does/not/exist ] ;} ; then echo true; else echo false; fi true
For the test command, the precedence parenthesis are, as well, ( )
, but you need to escape or quote them, so that the shell doesn't try to interpret them:
$ if [ \( "true" -o -e /does/not/exist \) -a -e /does/not/exist ]; then echo true; else echo false; fi false # equivalent, but less readable IMHO: $ if [ '(' "true" -o -e /does/not/exist ')' -a -e /does/not/exist ]; then echo true; else echo false; fi false
As for AND and OR, there are 2 ways to negate a test with the shell keyword !
or passing !
as an argument to test
Here !
negates the exit status of the command test
which is 0 (true), and the else part is executed:
if ! [ -d '/tmp' ]; then echo "/tmp doesn't exists"; else echo "/tmp exists"; fi
Here the test
command itself exits with status 1 (false) and the else is also executed:
if [ ! -d '/tmp' ]; then echo "/tmp doesn't exists"; else echo "/tmp exists"; fi
Unlike for AND and OR, both methods for NOT have an identical behaviour, at least for doing one single test.
In this section you will get all the mentioned (and maybe more) possible pitfalls and problems in a summary.
Here's the copy of a mail on bug-bash list. A user asking a question about using the test command in Bash, he's talking about a problem, which you may have already had yourself:
From: (PROTECTED) Subject: -d option not working. . .? Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 21:51:59 -0400 To: bug-bash@gnu.org Hi All, I've got a script that I'm trying to set up, but it keeps telling me that "[-d command not found". Can someone please explain what is wrong with this?: #!/bin/sh for i in $* do { if [-d $i] then echo "$i is a directory! Yay!" else echo "$i is not a directory!" fi } done Regards
See the problem regarding the used test-command (the other potential problems are not of interest here)?
[-d $i]He simply didn't know that
or [
is a normal, simple command. Well, here's the answer he got. I quote it here, because it's a well written text that addresses most of the common issues with the "classic" test command:
From: Bob Proulx (EMAIL PROTECTED) Subject: Re: -d option not working. . .? Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 10:32:35 -0600 To: bug-bash@gnu.org > (QUOTED TEXT WAS REMOVED) The shell is first and foremost a way to launch other commands. The syntax is simply "if" followed by a command-list, (e.g. if /some/foo; or even if cmd1; cmd2; cmd3; then). Plus the '( ... )' syntax is already taken by the use of starting a subshell. As I recall in the original shell language the file test operator was not built-in. It was provided by the standalone '/bin/test' command. The result was effectively this: if /bin/test -d somedir Although the full path /bin/test was never used. I showed it that way here for emphasis that following the 'if' statement is a command list. Normally it would simply have been: if test -d somedir Of course that is fine and for the best portability that style is still the recommended way today to use the test command. But many people find that it looks different from other programming languages. To make the test operator (note I mention the test operator and not the shell language, this is a localized change not affecting the language as a whole) look more like other programming languages the 'test' program was coded to ignore the last argument if it was a ']'. Then a copy of the test program could be used as the '[' program. ...modify /bin/test to ignore ']' as last argument... cp /bin/test /bin/[ This allows: if [ -d somedir ] Doesn't that look more normal? People liked it and it caught on. It was so popular that both 'test' and '[' are now shell built-ins. They don't launch an external '/bin/test' program anymore. But they *used* to launch external programs. Therefore argument parsing is the same as if they still did launch an external program. This affects argument parsing. it test -f *.txt test: too many arguments Oops. I have twenty .txt files and so test got one -f followed by the first file followed by the remaining files. (e.g. test -f 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt 4.txt) if test -d $file test: argument expected Oops. I meant to set file. file=/path/some/file if test -d $file If variables such as that are not set then they wlll be expanded by the shell before passing them to the (possibly external) command and disappear entirely. This is why test arguments should always be quoted. if test -d "$file" if [ -d "$file" ] Actually today test is defined that if only one argument is given as in this case "test FOO" then then test returns true if the argument is non-zero in text length. Because "-d" is non-zero length "test -d" is true. The number of arguments affects how test parses the args. This avoids a case where depending upon the data may look like a test operator. DATA="something" if test "$DATA" # true, $DATA is non-zero length DATA="" if test "$DATA" # false, $DATA is zero length But the problem case is how should test handle an argument that looks like an operator? This used to generate errors but now because it is only one argument is defined to be the same as test -n $DATA. DATA="-d" if test "$DATA" # true, $DATA is non-zero length if test -d # true, same as previous case. Because test and [ are possibly external commands all of the parts of them are chosen to avoid shell metacharacters. The Fortran operator naming was well known at the time (e.g. .gt., .eq., etc.) and was pressed into service for the shell test operator too. Comming from Fortran using -gt, -eq, etc. looked very normal. Incorrect use generating unlikely to be intended results: if test 5 > 2 # true, "5" is non-zero length, creates file named "2" Intended use: if test 5 -gt 2 # true (and no shell meta characters needing quoting) Then much later, sometime in the mid 1980's, the Korn sh decided to improve upon this situation. A new test operator was introduced. This one was always a shell built-in and therefore could act upon the shell arguments directly. This is '[[' which is a shell keyword. (Keyword, metacharacters, builtins, all are different.) Because the shell processes [[ internally all arguments are known and do not need to be quoted. if [[ -d $file ]] # okay if [[ 5 > 2 ]] # okay I am sure that I am remembering a detail wrong but hopefully this is useful as a gentle introduction and interesting anyway. Bob
I hope this text protects you a bit from stepping from one pitfall into the next.
I find it very interesting and informative, that's why I quoted it here. Many thanks, Bob, also for the permission to copy the text here!
Some code snipplets follow, different ways of shell reaction is used.
test "$MYVAR"
[ "$MYVAR" ]
test ! -d /home/user/foo && mkdir /home/user/foo
[ ! -d /home/user/foo ] && mkdir /home/user/foo
if [ ! -d /home/user/foo ]; then mkdir /home/user/foo; fi
test $# -ge 1 -a "$1" = "Hello" || exit 1
[ $# -ge 1 ] && [ "$1" = "Hello" ] || exit 1
(see lists description)
Using a for-loop to iterate through all entries of a directory, if an entry is a directory ([ -d "$fn" ]
), print its name:
for fn in *; do [ -d "$fn" ] && echo "$fn" done